Monday, February 23, 2009

Spring Preview Ladies Night Out

Save the date for the next Ladies Night Out. We had a great fondue night at the last one!! The next evening event is Thursday, March 12 from 6 to 8 pm. We will have all the newest Easter and Spring items on special discount for the evening!! Help us launch our Gifts with a Purpose campaign for the month of April as a way to celebrate the beginning of our 6th year in business ~ we will be donating a percentage of sales for the month of April to the ICA foodshelf. To kick off the campaign - we will donate 5% of sales from the Ladies Night Out to help others in our community during this difficult time. Plus something yummy and wine and non-alcoholic beverages too! We always have a great time and hope to see you! Stay tuned for more details!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Are we ready for Spring or what??

If you've driven by the cottage lately you've noticed my wishful thinking, as I have bright yellow forsythia in the outside urns, along with the spruce tops leftover from the holidays. Doesn't that first hint of Spring just make you feel a smile throughout - like you know there's hope coming, warm temperatures, sun and flowers, and the fresh smell of rain. Well this has been a long and cold Minnesota winter and I can't stand it anymore
so out came the forsythia and I hope it brightens your day as it does mine!

If you come inside - you'll find my enthusiasm for warmer days is not limited to outside. The shop is full of hints of Spring - with beautiful green and blue kitchen linens, lavender silks and potted ferns, and the most darling Easter items ever!! Come in and browse - it should put a smile on your face!

I have been busy shopping this winter for wonderful gifts for your friends and loved ones that won't break your budget. The freshest Nouvelle candle scents are in and I have small candle tins for less than $7 that make just the cutest little gift. Also new this past month are Add-a-Bead bracelets - they look the same as the premier brand - but the shiny rhodium beads are $5 each and the gorgeous glass lampwork beads in all colors are $4 each! These make a great Mother's Day gift as well!
I know the dollars are tight - they are for me too. I am thrilled to be starting my 5th year in business - but please remember to support us little gals as we don't have deep pockets to survive for too long without enough sales. My goal for this year is to provide you with wonderful gifts for the right price so your dollars will go farther! I appreciate every one of you!!

I have started this blog as an easy way to update my website for new arrivals - so check in often!!